In Oklahoma, it is illegal to carry a firearm while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. The state defines “under the influence” as having a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08% or higher, or being impaired by drugs to the extent that one’s ability to safely handle a gun is impaired.

Individuals who violate this law may face criminal charges and penalties, including imprisonment and fines. The severity of the penalty will depend on the specific circumstances of the case, such as the individual’s BAC level and any prior offenses.

It is important to note that the law applies not only to carrying a firearm on one’s person, but also to carrying a loaded gun in a vehicle. This means that individuals who have been drinking or using drugs should not only avoid carrying a gun on their person, but also avoid storing a loaded gun in their car.

Additionally, the law applies not only to firearms, but also to other dangerous weapons, such as knives and clubs. This means that individuals who are under the influence of alcohol or drugs should avoid carrying any type of dangerous weapon, as it can lead to criminal charges.

In summary, Oklahoma’s laws on carrying firearms while under the influence of alcohol or drugs are strict and strictly enforced. Individuals who violate these laws may face serious criminal penalties, and should avoid carrying guns or other dangerous weapons while impaired.